Izic came home with a flourish of activity as the nursery is not done and still smells of paint. All his cuddly cute possessions are located in the hall. Nice baskets holding impossibly small socks, hats with fishes on them and lotion potions and creams.
Talking to Izic here:
We (Grandpa and I) had come before they got home and cleaned up. So mommy settled into the big bed, worn out, but happy to have her family home. My goals was to do the work Mommy couldn’t do as her only job is to keep you happy, fed and loved. You were super small and liked to sleep all the time. So Mommy has to wake you up every two hours to eat. You latched on good, but fell asleep after five minutes. So then Mommy would have to pump, so there was more milk for you and feed you thru a tiny tube that was attached to mommy’s nipple. Sometimes you even got the milk from mommies finger thru the tube.
Daddy made dinner the first night, a delicious fettuccini alfreado. Mommy really liked it but it upset your tummy the next day. Daddy is working hard at finishing your room, shampooing the carpet (he is even thinking of starting a business doing just that) and putting your crib together.
You went to the doctors and he gave you a clean and excellent review. You have gained back almost all your weight and you are strong and healthily. Your parents brought you back to Mail Plus and I got to show you off to my friends and everyone agreed you were the most handsome boy around. I love you so much.
Talking to Izic here:
We (Grandpa and I) had come before they got home and cleaned up. So mommy settled into the big bed, worn out, but happy to have her family home. My goals was to do the work Mommy couldn’t do as her only job is to keep you happy, fed and loved. You were super small and liked to sleep all the time. So Mommy has to wake you up every two hours to eat. You latched on good, but fell asleep after five minutes. So then Mommy would have to pump, so there was more milk for you and feed you thru a tiny tube that was attached to mommy’s nipple. Sometimes you even got the milk from mommies finger thru the tube.
Daddy made dinner the first night, a delicious fettuccini alfreado. Mommy really liked it but it upset your tummy the next day. Daddy is working hard at finishing your room, shampooing the carpet (he is even thinking of starting a business doing just that) and putting your crib together.
You went to the doctors and he gave you a clean and excellent review. You have gained back almost all your weight and you are strong and healthily. Your parents brought you back to Mail Plus and I got to show you off to my friends and everyone agreed you were the most handsome boy around. I love you so much.

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