Here is the first peek at your teeth. You drolled a bunch.
Your First cold August 29, 2010
Meeting Nana's friends August 2010
Trying to win your Nana's heart
Kittens and You July 28, 2010
So during this time I got a couple of cats one day. One ran away and the other was pregnant and had 5 kittens. We had fun with them the 6 weeks they were here, they were wild as can be. We gave them away to friends so we have seen them grow.
this was the first trip to the park. You loved the swing, but not the glasses.
Eating at Grandma's house July 17, 2010
I tried to make all dishes with Onions in them cause your daddy loves that. Your mommy loves mash potatoes and will eat a whole bag if there is gravy. I also made a great lasagna. funny thing is that I never follow a recipe so each dish is different. You only get to eat rice cereal, your mom did a lot of research on what was the most healthy food. She made all your vegi's and fruits.
Your First Giggle by GG June 2010
Tummy Time
Grandma's Meat Loaf May 2010
Bumbo May 2010

I love this little chair that makes you look like you are sitting up all alone. This was your mother's first Mothers Day and we went to Avila and had lunch at Custom House. Your mom order a pina colada and got real dizzy. She made this picture into a cement picture for me that had your foot and hand print and said I love Nana. I cried. It was so sweet.
First Restaurant, fruit August 2010
Izic Stays with Nana and Dude- July 2010
This was the first time your parents left you with us. They went out to dinner. They sat for 10 minutes crying in the drive way before they left. Then they had a nice sushi dinner (where mom drank a beer). We had fun with you, though the dogs fighting frieghtended you. Dude is what Gary wants to be called instead of Grandpa. My name is Nana, but I would like you to come up with something more fun like bubble gum or pokadots. Gary is afraid to hold you, he is afraid that you will break.
Nugget and Tripper
Izic and his toys 3 months
You are already full of smiles and wit. This is you sitting like a big boy in your mommy's car! I love this picture because you already see what a flirt you are going to be.
You have so many toys it is ridiculous. But us grandma's can't help ourselves.
Your favorite toy at this point is the one that sings classical music while blinking bright lights. It always calms you down. You are just starting to hold things and giggle.
Swimming June 2010
The 4th of July
Izic at Work- May- July 2010

So at 3 months you started coming to work for a few hours a day with your mom. We owned a Mail and Parcel store called Mail Plus. You thought that the parade of people coming thru where just to see you. At this point, I got no work done when you were there. I just held you and we walked around the city.
This is where you guys lived in Oceano. The squishy thing next to your mom was called a Nap Nanny. It helped you sleep up right and later served as your recliner while you watched Bubble Guppies. Your mom was such a great mommy from the beginning, you liked to eat every hour (nurse that is), she barely had to time to change you in between feeding you.